A Shamanic Journey to the Lower World
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Length of course: 2hrs26m
In this 10-day course you will learn how to go on a shamanic journey to the lower world and meet with your power animal. You will work mostly with your power animal, the spirit of fire and the spirit of earth. You will discover how to use your different psychic senses to communicate with your power animal and the nature spirits, and how to access your most natural psychic sense.
You will learn about the portal between the different worlds and how to move in and out of the non-ordinary reality. There will be an exercise for you to find your specific portal to the lower world. We will delve into the three different worlds - the middle, the lower, and the upper worlds - from a shamanic perspective. You will understand the difference between imagining versus receiving messages which is important for a good, clear shamanic journey. We will also discuss the causes and symptoms of power loss, and in one of the journeys, you will go to your place of power to retrieve any personal power that you may have lost. You will learn how to develop the relationship with your power animal, including how to create a spirit home for them, and how to create ceremony and ritual to invoke the presence of spirit.
You will get a glimpse at the future to see what your life could look like when you are living totally in the truth and power of who you are. You will merge with your power animal to embody the gifts of power that they bring you. The course includes theory,as well as many practical exercises where you will get to experience a traditional shamanic journey with only drum beats. The rest of the journeys will be guided by myself, with carefully selected sounds and music to evoke the different themes.

Lesson 1
What is a Shamanic Journey?
You will learn about the three different worlds – the middle, the lower and the upper worlds – and the difference between ordinary and non-ordinary reality. You will learn about the portal between these worlds (axis mundi). You will learn about the importance of balancing the yin and the yang energy in your shamanic journey. We will do a practical exercise where you will feel the difference between your yin and yang states, which is helpful to know when going on a shamanic journey.
Lesson 2
How To Go On A Shamanic Journey To The Lower World
This lesson includes how to create a strong intention, the importance of ceremony and ritual, how to prepare your physical space, how to shift your state of awareness, how to travel in and out of the non-ordinary reality using your axis mundi, how to find your power animal in the lower world, how to leave the lower world using the call back, and how to bring the knowledge from your journey into this world. We will do a visualisation for you to find your portal to the lower world.
Lesson 3
Power Animals & Psychic Communication
You will discover how they work with us to help us harness our power and bring healing and guidance to us. You will learn about their way of communicating with us, and how they commonly show themselves to us. You will learn about the most common psychic senses that we use in a shamanic journey (clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant). Today we will do an exercise to help you to access your most common psychic senses.
Lesson 4
Guided Shamanic Journey To Meet Your Power Animal
In this lesson I will guide you on your first shamanic journey to the lower world to meet with your power animal. You will follow the guidance of my voice, and there will also be just the drum beat in sections. On your return from the lower world, I will explain to you how to bring the knowledge from your journey into this middle world.
Lesson 5
Shamanic Journey To Learn About Your Gift Of Power
Now that you are comfortable going on a shamanic journey to the lower world, you will now go on your first solo shamanic journey to the lower world to meet with your power animal. You will receive information from your power animal about what your gift of power is and a personal symbol of power from them. Your journey will be assisted by the drum beat. I will explain to you at the beginning of the lesson what the journey is about. Then, we will do the journey together.
Lesson 6
Causes & Symptoms Of Power Loss
This lesson you will learn about personal power, the causes and symptoms of power loss, and how to maintain your power. You will learn how illness, dis-ease, codependent style relationships, addictions, and low self-esteem could be symptoms (as well as causes) of power loss. You will learn about boundaries and the importance of making choices that are congruent with your personal truth, in order to remain your power. Today I will guide you through a visualisation where you will have the opportunity to observe yourself in your full power, as well as where you may lose your power.
Lesson 7
Guided Shamanic Journey To Retrieve Lost Power
You will go on a guided shamanic journey to learn about your personal power, where you may lose it, and how to reclaim it. The journey is guided with specific sounds and music to evoke the various themes of power. You will ask your power animal for guidance as to how you can live fully in the truth of who you are. Your power animal will retrieve your lost power for you, and do any healing for you that is necessary in order for you to live in this power.
Lesson 8
Building The Relationship With Your Power Animal
In this lesson you will learn how to create ritual and ceremony to invoke the presence of your power animal. You will learn how to create a spirit home for your power animal. You will also learn how to invoke your power animal through sound, dance, and movement, as well as through art, writing, and all forms of expression. Today you will invoke your power animal through movement and expression, with a power drum supporting you (or you can visualise it if you are unable to move at this time).
Lesson 9
Mother Earth & How To Support Her
You will learn about the spirit of Earth from a shamanic perspective and how she is our mother – a living, breathing, pulsating being. I will share with you my experience of an underground burial ceremony that I participated in during my shamanic training and how this metaphoric death connected me intensely with Mother Earth. You will have the opportunity to journey to the spirit of Earth and learn more about what you are letting go of now (i.e. what is your metaphoric death) and how you can let go of the old with ease and grace as you move deeper into the truth of who you are.
Lesson 10
FAQs & Power Merging
I will share with you frequently asked questions like ‘how to learn more about your specific power animal’, ‘how to get the best out of your shamanic journey’, ‘hallucinogenic drugs for shamanic journeying’, ‘telling people about your power animal’, and ‘next steps on your shamanic path’. You will do a guided visualisation to connect with your power animal one last time during the course, and you will merge with your power animal as they bring their gift of power to you.