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Exploring the Magical & Mystical

What is The Lion & The Rose?

At the centre there is a story. A real story. Something that happened to Claire over the course of a year. And, more than that, over a lifetime. Out of this wondrous, mythical, mystical story emerges The Lion & The Rose.


Underlying this archetypal story is the healing of the sacred masculine and feminine, and the unification of the two polarities. 


Claire’s magical & mystical experiences form a bridge between this world and others. She invites you to follow where the rose petals led her, through the gate that she opened in Avalon on the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal in 2023, bringing a sense of unity & homecoming.


​“I know how to travel between worlds…let me show you”


A gathering place

We meet online twice a month to bring a sense of connectedness, community, mysticism, unity, clarity, awakening, integrated consciousness, guidance, support, mentorship, self-growth and a sense of homecoming.

Who is it for?

​The Lion & The Rose is for anyone:


  • feeling confusion, separation, mundanity

  • seeking to be more awake

  • wishing to bring consciousness into all areas of life

  • longing for a support network of kindred spirits

  • wanting a guide or mentor

  • hoping, ultimately to become the best version of self.

What will it give you?

The Lion & The Rose arises out of ancient teachings and anchors into modern day mysticism. This will bring:


  • clarity and connectedness

  • healing

  • community

  • mystical experiences

  • awakening

  • integrated consciousness

  • guidance, support and mentorship

  • self-growth.  


It aims to help you feel more empowered, clearer, with a greater sense of purpose.


Step through the portal here

How does it work?

For eons people have come together to break bread, share stories, dance, sing and commune around an open flame. Through “gathering around the fire” twice a month, this space aims to do just that.


Through archetypal stories where messages come to life in an impactful and meaningful way, participants embark on their own personal journey and walk away with the tools and techniques to continue The Work on their own.


In the vein of mystery school teachings, this space aims to empower people to be reliant on their inner selves, not needing to go outside self for answers.


Through community, membership offers instant connection to those with similar journey struggles and dreams. It is directional so there is constant forward momentum and a sense of progression.​​


Step through the portal here


The Lion's Roar

$33 or R333 per month – The Lion's Roar includes the following per month:


* two live, interactive gatherings with Claire

* energy reading transmissions between the live sessions

* energy healing transmissions between the live sessions

* community interaction


as well as spontaneous & relevant energy updates from Claire.


In this tier you will also learn from guest teachers who will share their spiritual healing & wisdom with our community. Discounts on in-person and online events and retreats as well as products are also included. â€‹â€‹

Not sure yet?

​​​​​Not sure if the Lion's Roar membership is for you just yet? Then you are welcome to join for free.  


In the free membership, you will receive the following per month:


* energy reading transmissions

* one healing transmission

* community interaction


as well as various spontaneous & relevant energy updates from Claire.​​​


When do we meet?

For The Lion’s Roar membership, we meet twice per month on a Monday & Saturday, 19h30 – 21h00 SAST. The dates are guided by the moon cycle and cosmic portals. Please see the list of dates below. Don’t worry if you are unable to attend a live gathering, as you will receive the recording within 24 hours.


​​​19h30 – 21h00 SAST

17h30 – 19h00 London

18h30 – 20h00 - Berlin

12h30 – 14h00 New York / Toronto

09h30 – 11h00 San Francisco / Vancouver​​​




Monday 11 November – 11/11 Portal

Saturday 30 November – New Moon


Monday 16 December – Full Moon

Saturday 21 December - Solstice



Monday 13 January – Full Moon

Saturday 1 February – New Moon


Monday 3 February – 2/2 Portal

Saturday 15 February – Full Moon


Monday 3 March – New Moon

Saturday 22 March – Equinox


Saturday 19 April – Death/Resurrection

Monday 28 April – New Moon


Saturday 10 May – Full Moon

Monday 26 May – New Moon




Saturday 14 June – Full Moon

Monday 23 June – Solstice


Monday 7 July – Full Moon

Saturday 26 July – New Moon


Saturday 9 August – 8/8 Portal

Monday 25 August – New Moon


Saturday 6 September – Full Moon

Monday 22 September – Equinox


Saturday 11 October – 10/10 Portal

Monday 20 October – New Moon


Step through the portal here

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